Category Archives: Healthy Thought of the day

Healthy Thought for the day…

We all go through times that are hard and often times confusing. But God has a destination for all of us, and he will not lead us down a path that we don’t learn something and become stronger from. Help others, love others, love yourself and know that you are destined for great things!


Healthy thought of the day


Whatevery your goals or dreams may be. They aren’t just going to go away! They are your innermost desires and you are going to have to work for them.  It’s not going to be something that happens overnight, But the one thing I know about time is that it is going to pass either way. PERSIST…. reach your goals even if you only do a little each day! You don’t want to wake up 20 years from now with that same nagging voice in the back of your head saying “What if I had”. Make it happen! YOU CAN DO IT!

Healthy thought of the day!


It’s easy to make excuses not to exercise or to eat junk food. But remember what happens when you overcome those excuses: You get closer to a happier, healthier, fitter you. A year from now, do you want to be in the same place, or do you want to be able to look back on how far you’ve come? Every time you overcome an excuse, you’re one step closer to your goal! Always remember why you started in the first place!!!




Healthy Inspiration

Motivational Quote - The body achieves what the mind believes.

In order to do something, you have to first believe that you can do it! Once you believe in yourself, so many doors will open up for you. Take that first step today by doing something outside your comfort zone.

Healthy Inspiration

Motivational Quote - Persistence is far more important than perfection.

On your journey to healthy living, you’ll have good days, bad days, and days that are “just OK.” Don’t go into your lifestyle changes with the mindset that you have to be perfect all the time, because you don’t! Instead, focus on taking baby steps that will help you reach your goals. YOU ARE WORTH IT!


Healthy Inspiration

The next time you find yourself feeling down, lace up those sneakers! An endorphin rush might be just what you need to brighten your day.

Healthy Inspiration

Bad days are bound to happen to everyone.  You could be having the best week of your life, only to have some calamity smack you right in the forehead.  But is this the end-all and be-all?  Probably not.  If you wake up the next day and the sun has risen, chances are you will be just fine.  Work to fix whatever problems you may have encountered, but don’t let them take a central role in your life.  Do whatever it takes to resolve the issue and move on.  Maybe that means not being too proud to apologize, or maybe even humble enough to accept an apology.  You can make it work.  Each day is a new opportunity; make as much use of it as you can>>>

Healthy Inspiration

It takes a lot of guts to want to change your life. Sometimes making that decision and taking the plunge is the hardest part. Keep moving along on your journey with the same passion that you had when you first resolved to change, and let your internal motivation be the light that guides you during the tough times.